
Minggu, 13 Juli 2014


Happinesss is a noot something already made for us
We must decide  to be happy & put effort to achieve that
But first u have to recognize what things & condition that will make u happy

So here’s my Happiness project :
1.       Life Present, yesterday has past & tomorrow not come yet
2.       See everyday as a new chapter
3.       Smile when u  wake up, be grateful of every litlle thing u have
4.      Make the most of the time u’ve been blessed with                    (productive,,,productive,,,productive)
5.       Let go of something u can’t change
6.       Make at least 3 people happy every day
7.       Before sleep, write down  3 of u’r blessings today
8.       Become more outgoing & not over thinking of everything
9.       Surround u’r self with positive people
10.   Strive for excellense, not perfection, perfection is a journey, take one step at a time
11.   Time Management fo achieve a balance life
12.   Quit trying to fix other people, fix  u’r self first, & inspire them to do it theirself
13.   Eat Healthier, get enough sleep, exercise daily
14.    Enjoying Me time & Travel more
15.   Learn something new, make new friends, get out of u’r comfort zone

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